21 Day Fix vs. 21 Day Fix Extreme Differences

21 Day Fix vs. 21 Day Fix Extreme – What are the differences between these programs?

I get asked this question ALL the time! People want to know what the difference is between the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme!

While the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme do share many things in common, these programs are really COMPLETELY different and are intended for different audiences.

The really short version is that the 21 Day Fix is a beginner friendly program that uses very little weight and can be heavily modified. It is appropriate for people new to fitness (by using the modifiers) but also can appeal to people who are in good shape (by increasing the intensity of the moves).

The 21 Day Fix Extreme, on the other hand, is NOT recommended for beginners. The workouts all use weights and / or bands, and are significantly more intense, with less rest. The Fix Extreme can certainly be modified for beginners and you can take rests if you are struggling, but I would not recommend it for anyone who was new or even intermediate to fitness. That’s why they call it, Fix EXTREME. 🙂

OK, now that we know the high level, let’s go into some more detail on the differences between the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme!

What do the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme have in common?

A lot of people think that these programs are similar because of these things that they have in common, but don’t let that fool you. The workouts are designed, as mentioned above, for completely different levels of physical capability.

  • 21 Day Fix Trainer – 21 Day Fix & 21 Day Fix Extreme both feature celebrity trainer Autumn Calabrese.
  • 21 Day Fix Duration – the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme workouts are all 30 minutes in duration.
  • 21 Day Fix Program Length – the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme programs are both 3 weeks long with NO rest days (there is a yoga / “active recovery” day in each program).
  • 21 Day Fix Portion Control Plan – BOTH the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme use the 7-container portion control system that is the cornerstone of these programs. They also BOTH include a shaker cup AND a meal plan. HOWEVER, the Fix Extreme plan is stricter! More detail on that later.

That’s it!

How do the 21 Day Fix and the 21 Day Fix Extreme Differ?

  • 21 Day Fix Move Duration – 21 Day Fix moves are usually about a minute long with 15 second breaks. The 21 Day fix extreme moves are faster with shorter breaks.
  • 21 Day Fix Weights – the 21 Day Fixuses some very light weights, whereas the 21 Day Fix Extreme uses weights nearly every day.
  • 21 Day Fix Cheats and Wine – the 21 Day Fix meal plan gives you some allowances for cheats like chocolate or wine. The 21 Day Fix Extreme plan is much STRICTER, with NO cheats for three weeks. Additionally, there is an even more challenging, “Countdown to Competition” plan that bumps up the intensity of the meal plan another notch and is designed to get you ready for an actual (yes, a real one) fitness competition!
  • 21 Day Fix Weight Loss – The 21 Day Fix advertises that you can lose UP TO 15 pounds in 21 days. I find this to be generally accurate – the majority of the people in our challenge groups lose anywhere from 10 – 15 pounds, usually around 12, and then MAINTAIN it after the 21 days is over. In my experience, the 21 Day Fix Extreme doesn’t actually get you to lose MORE weight, but it will get you past that plateau or hump. So if you do a few rounds of 21 Day Fix and are close to your goal weight, but not QUITE there – the 21 day Fix Extreme can break that plateau and get you to your final results that you are looking for. It’s like … the cherry on top of your fitness sundae 🙂

So – should I choose the 21 Day Fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme?

Honestly, for the most part, it really just comes down to a simple question – what is your current level of fitness? If you are a new or intermediate, then the original 21 Day Fix is your best bet. And the majority of people I bring into the program are using the original 21 Day Fix.

The 21 Day Fix Extreme is great if you

a) already are in GOOD to DECENT shape OR

b) Have completed a round or two of the 21 Day Fix and are looking to step it up to the next level

The 21 Day Fix Extreme is ALWAYS challenging for me, even when I am doing other intense programs. I love falling back on it when I need to get back on track and lock in my portion control.

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© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020