Master’s Hammer & Chisel – Day #7 – Total Body Hammer

Total Body Hammer – Details

  • Trainer: Sagi Kalev
  • Total Body Hammer Duration: About 45 minutes. Followed by 15 Minute Ab Hammer!
  • Total Body Hammer Goals: Total body workout, strong weightlifting focus.
  • Total Body Hammer Required Equipment: Weights, pull-up bar, bench or ball, resistance band

Total Body Hammer Moves

Some notes -Sagi gets down to business. This is a LEGIT weightlifting routine without the unique features of some of the other workouts so far. Each move staggers down as you up your weights from 10 reps -> 8 reps -> 6 reps. There are three rounds, you repeat each round twice! I didn’t see anyone changing weights in between rep sets, and you can make each move more difficult by holding the weights in between rep sets.

  1. Round 1: 
    1. Bench Press –  I used an exercise ball for this – but a simple bench press!
    2. Squat – a simple squat with knees shoulder distance apart. This move gets significantly harder if you really try to focus on keeping your upper body straight while squatting
    3. Reverse Grip Row – In the video! Basically, bend at the waist and pull towards you, focusing on your back
  2. Round 2:
    1. Incline Fly  – Same as the bench press but you do a fly move and on an incline, so you work your upper chest more
    2. Reverse Lunge– Step back lunges. Round one is the right leg, round 2 is the left leg!
    3. Wide Pull-Up – HARD. I had to use the pull up assist band and then the actual band to finish this one!
  3. Round 3: 
    1. Military Press –  Shoulder workout – you can see it in the video! Again, I don’t have a bench so I just used a folding chair I have in the basement. 
    2. Split Squat – One leg up on a chair and then you squat with the other leg. Round 1 is the right leg, and round 2 is the left leg!
    3. Post Delt Fly – This is a one-armed deltoid work – also in the video above – swing your arm up!

Total Body Hammer Review & Thoughts:  


This was definitely the most “classic weight lifting” round of the program so far. I really enjoyed it though and worked up a crazy sweat – the pause between moves is very short. My husband also did it and also said the same thing – compared to Body Beast where some moves have 2, 3 minutes in between reps, this one moves very quickly – hardly enough time to catch your breath.

I’m still a little sore from yesterday’s workout, I’m sure this will play right on top of it 🙂

Hammer and Chisel Meals: 

What I ate today!

  • Breakfast -Chocolate Shakeology w/ chilled coffee, 1/2 a banana, 2 Tsp peanut butter
  • Snack – Apple
  • Lunch – Small salad with tuna, hummus, tomato & balsamic
  • Snack – Banana
  • Dinner – Ground Turkey with Tomato Sauce, topped on brown rice and a side of broccoli!
  • Evening Snack – 1/2 english muffin with 1 Tsp peanut butter

Today was the END of Week #1! 7 more weeks to go! I will be doing measurements and photos tonight for the end of the 1st week, but I can already tell my clothes are fitting me better and I feel so much less stuffed and bloated.

Non Scale Victories with muscle definition. I’m really enjoying all the weights and the variety each workout has. It keeps it interesting and FUN!

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