Paying Off our Credit Card Balance of $7,007.59 with Team Beachbody

WELL…….WE did it!!! I’m not gonna lie… has been nothing short of an EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER! We hit a HUGE milestone for our family today that I had been working SO hard to achieve every day for the past 15 months! It feels so surreal and what a weight off of our chests!

15 months ago we had COMPLETELY depleted our savings account and had racked up about $35,000 of credit card debt trying to do whatever we could for me to stay at home with the kids. That has always been our DREAM. But the debt was CRUSHING. I felt guilty buying a candle for the house. I felt guilty buying a coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts. Things like family vacations or even a trip to New Hampshire felt like they were so far out of our reach.

Then we hit our breaking point and we couldn’t swing it anymore. We had tried almost everything. My husband was doing videography and photography on top of his job. I was tutoring four nights a week. And still, I was going to have to leave my kids after being home with them for 2 years to go back to my teaching career. It was completely devastating. I buried my head in the sand about our problems, and it’s embarassing to talk about (even now) but it’s the truth!

It just so happened that 15 months ago the Beachbody Coaching opportunity landed smack dab in my lap at JUST the right time in my life, and I am forever grateful. I hesitated at first for 3 months but then took a chance knowing absolutely NOTHING about it. I shortly realized how it could help our family if I just made the decision to work on it every day, BELIEVE in myself, and keep my vision in mind (continuing to stay at home with my kids.) I made a lot of sacrifices – like getting rid of TV, sleeping less, and just being really careful with how I used my free time every day. The ONE thing I NEVER sacrificed was my time with my kids. So I dedicated every night and nap time to building my business. I was (and still am) exhausted. But it has all been worth it to stay home with my family.

I had NO clue how this opportunity was really going to change things for us, but here I am 15 months later totally credit card DEBT FREE and even having a little cushion in the bank!! And, knowing that each month we are actually GROWING our savings and GROWING our income. And BOY does it feel good to know that I have full control over the way my future is going to turn out.

To everyone who doubted me, (and there were (and are!) a LOT of them!!), THANK YOU for fueling my fire to SUCCEED and prove you wrong. And to all my supporters I can’t thank you enough for ALWAYS being there for me and cheering me on. I can’t be any more proud of my TEAM, when I see them running their own teams and changing lives every day I know I am doing EXACTLY what I was meant to do. And to ANYONE who feels like they are stuck and are held back by circumstances realize that it doesn’t have to be that way. YOU can change your life, just as I did mine!

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© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020