You Can do it

Stop Making Excuses for Yourself!

You want to know something guys??

You actually have more time available during the day then you think! EVERYONE is BUSY! We are parents, have children, have sports to bring them to, work full/part time jobs, own homes, have animals, dr appointments to go to, and yada yada yada!! You know how it goes.

So when I first heard about coaching the first thing that came to my mind was “There is NO chance in HELL I have time for anything like that!!!” How could I fit anything else on my plate!? How could I build a business with a 4 month and 22 month old at home, while getting hardly any sleep?? Not gonna happen!

Then I took a CLOSE look at what exactly I was doing once the kids went to bed at night…..during my “ME” time. And it’s something that MOST people do probably every night!! I was sitting down watching TV with Nick for 3-4 hours EVERY single night and then going to bed. That’s a LOT of TV AND…….I was doing that EVERY night of the week!!! That’s 21 – 28 hours of TV EACH WEEK!!! If I wasn’t watching TV I was spending time scrolling Facebook just wasting time OR buying things on AMAZON or ETSY that I didn’t really need nor have the money for……remember….we had no savings account at the time and were in 35K of credit card debt.

But here’s the thing…………If you want to build a business and change your life there has got to be some SACRIFICES made. Do you need to cut out all your TV???……HECK no!! I realized I didn’t need all that TV every single night and as long as I spent SOME time every night being FOCUSED and working on this business that it would pay off over time. All of the coaches on the team still do the things they love and spend 1 solid focused hour every day building their business. I’ll pass on the TV for now to create the BEST LIFE possible for me and my family because it sure as heck is paying off! I’ll have PLENTY of time to watch TV later.

I ALWAYS look back to the way I use to spend my nights once the kids went to bed and my BIGGEST regret is NOT having the COURAGE to do this sooner! Small sacrifices over time lead to BIG life changes! There is no way I would be credit card debt free, have a stable savings account, be out earning my husband and be able to go on beautiful vacations, all while staying home with my 2 little loves every day……… if I had continued watching 21 – 28 hours of TV a week! Imagine if I never gave this a shot?

It has ALL been worth it and YOU can do it too! Have COURAGE. Take a chance. Take control of your life and ask yourself if what you are doing is really bringing you CLOSER to what you TRULY want in life for you and your family.

“Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill.”


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© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020