End The Year Better than you are TODAY!

I was sitting here working, and looking at my calendar and started to plan out the rest of my year (my upcoming challenge groups, my personal year end goals), and I started thinking about how fast this last part of the year goes by. November and December come and go, the holidays come and go, and before you know it, BAM we will be in 2017.

So then I started about New Years Resolutions, and my own experience with challengers and customers, and how we always WAIT until January 1st to make a change. But you can start making changes NOW and have a much great chance of success vs. trying in the New Year and caving in on those goals two or three weeks in. 92% of people FAIL at reaching those goals and don’t stick with them!

WHY do people take that new year, that clean slate, and start STRONG, then slide and fail after just a few weeks? It could have been a weight loss goal, a fitness goal, a financial goal, maybe you want to stop smoking or drinking. Here’s the thing. You don’t have to wait until January 1st.

I challenge you to set a YEAR END Resolution!

Usually, people fail because the bar is too high and the expectations are too high. So when we falter, we revert back to old behaviors and throw in the towel on those goals.

So, making resolutions is all about changing your habits, your behaviors and your thinking.

With that said, here are some TIPS to help you reach your goals!

4 TIPS for End of Year Resolution Success!

Don’t wait for January 1st – Start NOW. Creating resolutions isn’t about not loving life, or not enjoying the holidays, but it’s about making decisions that you know are BETTER for you. If you get a head start on those 2017 resolutions NOW, you will already have momentum coming in to the New Year!

Tip #1 for Resolution Success – Pick just ONE THING!

Whatever you want to improve or work on, pick 1 THING to work on! Don’t overwhelm yourself. You will paralyze yourself. And when you struggle or paralyze yourself, you end up quitting and throwing in the towel on your overall goal, even if the stumble was small or insignificant.

Think of the area in your life you want to become better, or you want to become better at. Focus on one thing. And you are gonna start NOW, not on January 1st! Spend a weekend thinking, planning, prepping, and then go for it. And make sure your goal is specific. and take small steps DAILY to work there.

Nick and I are starting a brand new workout program on October 31st. We have prepped our meals and groceries, created a support and accountability group for our goals, to move to our END OF YEAR goals!

Tip #2 for Resolution success – Be Specific!

If you say, “I want to lose weight”, be more specific. Say, “I want to lose 10 or 15 pounds”. Break it into chunks and celebrate your victories along the way. The end result can seem overwhelming, but when you celebrate milestones along the way, it’s not so bad.

“How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time”

When I first started coaching over 2 years ago I had over 35 pounds to lose. But I didn’t focus on that goal, I had it in my head I wanted to get there, but I knew it would take a while. So I focused on smaller victories. Go through the drive through and don’t get a latte? CELEBRATE! Dropped a pant size? CELEBRATE!

Tip #3 for Resolution Success – Have an Accountability Partner

Having someone to celebrate success with and talk with when you struggle is SO important! Find someone who supports your journey and you can lean on when you don’t feel like committing or feel like dropping the ball. This is one of the reasons I love coaching – our challenge groups have amazing support and accountability and help people succeed where they might have failed had they done it alone!

So find someone and ASK them to hold you ACCOUNTABLE for your goals! (And they should also be someone you can celebrate the wins with!)

Tip #4 for Resolution Success – Focus on TODAY

Don’t look too far down the road, and DEFINITELY don’t look in the past. Past failures does NOT mean future failure! Think about what you can control in THIS moment, and work towards that to move towards your goals!

We are changing things up over here, we are NOT waiting on the New Year in this house, because resolutions don’t last! HABIT CHANGES last!

End this year better than you are NOW, and have an incredible start to 2017, instead of waiting for 2017 to get the ball rolling!

Comment below with what your END OF YEAR RESOLUTION goals are!

Have questions or want to reach out?

© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020