Master’s Hammer & Chisel – Day #5 – ISO Speed Hammer

ISO Speed Hammer – Details

  • Trainer: Sagi Kalev
  • ISO Speed Hammer Duration: About 25 minutes, of which about 4 is warmup
  • ISO Speed Hammer Goals: Total body building workout
  • ISO Speed Hammer Required Equipment: Weights, pull-up bar, bench or ball, resistance band

ISO Speed Hammer Moves

Some notes – This is a really unique move. ISO is Isometrics – where you hold a move, but in this case each move is turned into a three-step motion. For example, the pushups you go down in three distinct “hops” – see my video above for details. You do that for 10 reps, and then the next 10 are FAST (hence the SPEED part of the name!)

  1. Push Up –  Straightforward – 10 slow pushups, followed immediately by 10 fast ones!
  2. Static Lunge – With weights – lunge position. Down for 3 then up!
  3. Chin Ups – Reverse grip chin-ups – 10 slow followed by 10 fast. I had to use the pull-up assist band for these 🙂 
  4. Deadlift – With weights – you go down, keeping your butt back and then up again.
  5. Side Lateral Raise – Just like the last Autumn workout, light weights and do lateral raises. 
  6. Sumo Squat – Your feet go further than hip-width apart with your toes pointed out. Hold a weight with both hands at the center of your body and squat down, and back up.
  7. Rear Delt Cross Fly –  I don’t know why but it makes me giggle to see Sagi using bands. Anyway, in this hold the band in both hands, and stand on top of it on the floor. Cross the bands and bend at the waist. You then reverse fly up, focusing on your back and deltoids.
  8. Pistol Squat – Just like Autumn’s earlier move, a one-leg squat with your other leg out in front of you.
  9. Curl Face Down – A bench would have been preferable, but I used a ball and it worked great! My arms are still on fire. I haven’t done bicep curls in a while 🙂
  10. Calf Raises – Up & down! They recommend standing on the back of a bench so you can lower your calves more. I did mine directly on the floor
  11. Tricep Kickback Twist – Bend at the wasite, and kick your arms back and rotate as you do the move!

ISO Speed Hammer Review & Thoughts: 

I didn’t think this work out was AS difficult as the Hammer Plyo one. It’s short and fast-paced – in and out. Each move is only done once, so while I got a good workout, I didn’t completley burn out on it. If I had time, I might do a second round of it, or maybe up the weights. As this was my first time doing these moves, I wasn’t sure exactly how much to use on each move and I might have been a little light on some of the moves.

It does feel great to get a full-body workout in – this one covers everything but chest – arms, back & legs.

Hammer and Chisel Meals: 

What I ate today! My Shakeology bag came in today again (THANK THE LORD) so tomorrow I will be back to my SUPERFOOD shake for breakfast .. yay!

Day #6 Tomorrow! Already nearing the end of Week #1, so far I am feeling AWESOME!

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