“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”
You’ve all heard that line before and I never BELIEVED in it and thought it was just something that sounded nice but didn’t actually exist.
I am not the same person I was a year ago ! My life is different and I LOVE everything about it! I became a Team Beachbody Coach June 25th, 2014 after being hesitant and saying “NO” for 3 full months! I thought it wasn’t for me, my husband was EXTREMELY skeptical, I thought how could I possibly have time for this being as busy as I was with a 4 month old and 2 year old…everything under the sun YOU can think of I thought. We were also living in a world of financial denial at the time, racking up debt since we were living off of one income (I had quit my 2nd grade teaching position to stay home with my kids), and I was just kind of bumping along the average road going through my daily motions. Although the financial piece was a HUGE stress for us, to me I was living a GOOD life and I thought it would all fix itself in time – somehow.
Well, I said YES to coaching with the sheer intent of being part of a team, wanting to help others who were struggling like me, needing to lose all my baby weight and get healthier (I was 30+ pounds heavier), and to simply try to earn a small income to help offset the bills so I could continue staying home with my kids and not have to go back to my full time job, which was going to happen if something didn’t change! At the time, my goal was to earn about $200 a week. Little did I realize how drastically my goals would change over the first few months! I thought to myself – What do I have to lose? At a minimum, I’ll get healthier. On that day, I JUMPED ALL-IN and gave it my best and it’s been one of the BEST things I have EVER done for myself and my family!
My First Five Months
My first sixty days were spent learning about the business and building my team’s foundation. I was able to get to Diamond rank in 11 days. And then, I grew my husband’s account to Diamond and began 2 Star Qualifying on Day #55. At that point, one of the leaders in my upline (a million-dollar earner) asked me to run the next New Coach Training Calls. Well, I was scared and nervous. This business has brought personal growth in me by getting me out of my comfort zone, and I did it!
At the same time, I stuck to the 21 Day Fix, and got results I was looking for. I actually dropped down to my high school weight, and into the best shape of my entire life.
Winter 2015
As a 2 Star Diamond, I was invited to attend the inaugural New Leader’s Conference in Los Angelas, California. So, I packed up for the weekend and headed out at about my six month mark. I was able to meet the CEO of Beachbody, Carl Daikeler, and get training by some of the TOP coaches in the entire company, including the top coach Melanie Mitro! And, I got to do a sneak-peek workout of the upcoming 21 Day Fix Extreme workout with Autumn Calabrese herself. I came home more fired up than ever before! By now, my team had grown to over 200 coaches and I was starting to earn an income that had taken the pressure off our household. That felt SO GOOD. At this point, our debt started declining, instead of growing.
Also, the first coach rankings of the year came out and my team placed #97 in the company. I was FLOORED. #97 out of 280,000+ coaches??
At this point, my team page started growing and participation improved. Team members started bringing on their own teams. As my team grew though, so did my responsibilities, so I had to start working harder and more. I used to put in 3 – 4 hours per day, and now I was up to 5. Many nights I would stay up to nearly 1AM working. But, I feel FULFILLED and EXCITED every single day – I TRULY LOVE what I do and even though I have worked every day on my business, it doesn’t seem like work to me at all. I have to FORCE myself at night to stop working and go catch some sleep. That’s having PASSION and that’s something I never had before. I always liked teaching and LOVED kids and LOVED how rewarding it was but never felt the way I do now about it because there were too many politics that came along with the job. Becoming a coach has helped me realize how IMPORTANT it is to do something you are truly PASSIONATE and EXCITED about all the time!
I was also able to grow to Four Star Diamond around this time as well because of the growth of some amazing leaders on my team!
Spring 2015

Since I had started halfway through the year in 2014 I assumed I wasn’t going to be able to make it on the success club trip; but then I was surprised again. A few weeks before the trip, I received an email telling me I had earned my way off the waitlist! So, in April my husband and I joined 2000+ other coaches in sunny Cancun, Mexico on an all-expenses paid trip. I was able to take pictures with all the Tony Horton, Shaun T, and Autumn; and heard the new product announcements like CIZE and the Performance Line first hand, and of course, meet lots of other amazing people. Beachbody puts on an INCREDIBLE event to make coaches feel rewarded! I’m already registered for the 2016 Success Club Cruise and I can’t wait!
After the trip, I started to come even more out of my comfort zone. I messaged some of the top coaches I had met on the trip and offered to speak on their team calls. Soon I was speaking on team calls in front of 100’s of people. Who? ME? WHAT!
I was also asked to be part of a star diamond panel at the Super Saturday in Boston. So now I was able to sit in front of 300+ coaches and talk about my experiences as a coach in my first 9 months. Crazy!
Team Forever Strong Grows
And, can I talk about my team?? I LOVE my TEAM!! They are what makes this whole thing! I have formed friendships with people who are like-minded and truly support, love and care for each other! It’s incredible to have so many people around who share a vision for what they want their lives to be like!
People on my team have been able to quit their full time job, and I now have over 630 coaches in my organization and I’ve helped people get rid of insecurities, extra weight, diseases, get off of medications, improved their self-esteem issues, pay off their debts, and have enough income to take their families on vacation! All things that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t present this incredible opportunity to them! We are borderline having several star diamonds on our team as well! We have paid off nearly ALL of our credit card debt in the past year and next we will be attacking student loans and our car payment!! WOOOOO!!! FEELS good! All just by making a difference in others lives every day!
I could honestly write all day long about this haha. This is all coming from a girl who grew up shy, was never a leader by any means and someone who kind of blended into the background, someone who was constantly living in yo-yo diet world, and someone who “thought” their confidence level was good but actually needed some major improvements!
I can sit here right now in my house sipping on my iced coffee and take the hour out of my day to write about this to you all, whereas if I hadn’t taken a chance on this I’d be on the job hunt right now. Literally right now. And I would definitely not have the FREEDOM that Beachbody has provided my family with.
My BEST advice and what I always tell people now is that I was living a GOOD life before, but it wasn’t until I took a chance with this that over time I realized that me living a GOOD life, was actually just settling and that this is MY life and it only comes around ONCE – so why not make it the BEST possible life for myself and my family?! Things I imagined in my mind or dreamed about are becoming a REALITY and I couldn’t be more BLESSED or THANKFUL to have been given this GIFT.
A lot of people have questions about income; here is a post specific to that!
xoxo – Kathi
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