The Food Isn’t the Problem – The Problem is the Way You are Thinking About the Food! (giving emotional eating the BOOT!)

EMOTIONAL EATING……..Do you struggle with that like I do!? 🙋

I’m kicking off a FREE 5 Day info group next Monday all about overcoming EMOTIONAL EATING! This has ALWAYS been my problem for as long as I can remember! This is the reason why I YO YO all over the place! I hate it!  (the picture below shows how my weight has gone up & down over the past six years!!)

Yo Yo Dieting

Sure, I can complete programs, stick with them, get killer results and even be in infomercials for it – BUT I ALWAYS go back to my old ways. The bad habits and my bad relationship with food always is right there whenever LIFE gets in the way, or I get stressed, am upset, feeling anxious or something unexpected happens.

It’s a BAD cycle!! I’ve always wanted to break it, but I have never been strong enough on my own to do it.

See here’s the thing…… have LONG lasting results that STICK it starts with the MIND and how you view food, what your relationship with food is.

Is it for comfort or just fuel for your body? For me, I eat for pleasure, or for comfort when I’m not feeling too great. Once I start doing that, I develop habits that over time lead to weight gain, until I recommit to a new program or plan and re institute positive habits. It’s a downward spiral!

Introducing a brand-new mindset-first approach to nutrition

So that is why I am SO PUMPED because there is a brand new program being released! It’s not a workout program and is an exclusive nutrition course that will TEACH you how to overcome emotional eating, get to the root of all those bad habits and your bad relationship with food and get you living life happily! It is going to be a GAME CHANGER!!

The creator of this program, Ilana Muhlstein (who herself has lost and maintained a 100 lb + weight loss!!!), made this for people who –

  • Have lost weight before, but then gained it back when old habits reappeared and want to be more consistent 
  • Have an emotional connection with food and eating (totally me!) 
  • Don’t want to count calories, give up all the foods we love or spend all of our time meal prepping 
  • We don’t always want to have to workout to get results 
  • Want to enjoy food in a healthy way without having to stress everytime we eat something unhealthy!
  • Get angry, upset, or disappointed at themselves after eating something you shouldn’t have (umm… donut & pizza struggle!)

It doesn’t matter if you are doing a fitness program, are in shape, or are out of shape – if you ever struggle with your mindset around food and eating, this group is gonna be for you!

So shoot me a message ASAP on Facebook or Instagram , or fill out the form below and let’s chat! I’ll be doing this program with you and I can’t wait to get my head straight around the way I feed my body!

Here is a  short video describing the program:

We begin Monday! 

Fill out the form below to join our informational group about Food Freedom and a Healthy Mindset!

The link to your Facebook profile, so I can add you to our challenge group!
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Have questions or want to reach out?

© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020