The Shift Shop is Beachbody’s Newest Shredding Program- 21 Day Ramp Up!

I was at Super Saturday (a quarterly event where we do a live workout and get in some training and get to meet other awesome Beachbody Coaches in person!) in Framingham, Massachusetts yesterday with my team and 1000+ other coaches and I was so excited for the new announcements!

Along with two new flavors of Shakeology (Vegan Vanilla and Vegan Cafe Latte), they also announced two new programs – You V2, which is releasing in May, and Shift Shop, which is coming at Summit 2017 (July).

shift shop 3 week shred program

I am definitely more excited about Shift Shop, it’s a 3 week program that “ramps up” over time – the first week is 25 minute workouts, the 2nd week is 35 minute workouts, and the final week is 45 minute workouts. the diet also changes throughout the program – the 2nd and 3rd week increase proteins and vegetables to keep you fueled up.

What is the Shift Shop Ramp Up Meal Plan?

Like the workout, the food ramps up also. A lot of the program is designed around habit forming and building good habits, so I’m really excited about that. My diet always rises and falls based on the habits I am falling in to.

What kind of workout is Shift Shop and who is Shift Shop for?

It looks like it’s a agility / sports based training almost, but more details will be released as we get closer to launch. I am definitely going to do a 3 week round of this program and am so excited!

This workout looks to be similar to Core De Force in that it’s for everyone – beginners and advanced. Just looking at the moves, you can tell they can be modified or worked harder  – squat jumps for example can squat deeper and jump higher as your fitness level improves or if you are already coming in with a fitness background. They will also have a full modifier track for anyone who needs to start very slowly!

Who is Chris Downing?

Shift Shop is also created by a brand-new Super Trainer, Chris Downing! Check out this video about Chris Downing. 

How do I get Shift Shop?

Well – with the On Demand All Access pass, you will have it as soon as it’s released! If you aren’t an All Access Pass member, fill out the form below and let’s get you into my private support and accountability group. You get access to every single program beachbody has, including the Shift Shop, so you won’t ever get bored and can get into your best shape of your life!

And I’ll be here to support you every step of the way!

Fill out the form below and let’s chat and be the first to join us in our exclusive support group when Shift Shop launches!

The link to your Facebook profile, so I can add you to our challenge group!
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© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020