22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 3 Review

22 Minute Hard Corps – Day #25 – Cardio 3 Review

22 Minute Hard Corps – Cardio 3 Overview

  • Trainer: Tony Horton
  • Cardio 3 Duration: 22 minutes! There is a COLD START which adds on ~10 minutes if you need to warm up first. If you do everything, we are talking about 32 minutes.
  • Cardio 3 Goals: This is a cardio routine. It consists of 7 moves set to a cadence. This is definitely more endurance focused – there are NO breaks in between the three sets this time which is unique to this 22 Minute Hard Corps workout.
  • Cardio 3 Required Equipment: A jump or yoga mat is nice but not required.

22 Minute Hard Corps – Cardio 3 Moves

Some notes – Surprise, this one is also 22 minutes long :). It’s three rounds of seven moves, with varying repetitions (reps).ZERO breaks in between rounds!

Daily Directive – Every 22 Minute Hard Corps workout has a “tip of the day”, basically – Cardio 3 is “Move With Enthusiasm“. This means be intentional about the movements. You will be SHOCKED how much more intense you can make each move by focusing on the targeted area and moving with energy and intention.

  1. Spider Crawls -I’m not entirely sure how these are different from the Cardio 1 move, bear crawls. (Lots of animal crawls in this workout … Resistance 2 has Gorilla Crawls 🙂 ). 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 spider crawls
  2. Skip Flys – With your elbows out you move your hands in and out while skipping your feet back and forth. High reps on these ones. You can make it harder by going deeper into your lunge. And the move with enthusiasm thing makes a big difference with the arm flys 🙂 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 skip flys
  3. Cross Climbers – Basically the same as Mountain Climbers but with a twist. Literally. When you bring your leg in, twist and drive your knee towards the opposite elbow. The lower you keep your butt and the further forward you move your leg the harder this gets. 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 cross climbers
  4. Fast Feet Up Down – This is similar to the Bonus Move in Cardio #1, but when you go DOWN, you go into a Sphinx Plank (on your forearms). And, Tony makes you HOLD IT until it burns! 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 fast feet up down
  5. Sphinx Kickers – These ones are a struggle for me. You go into the Sphinx Plank position again, only now you basically alternate legs, kicking yourself in the tush. These really work your abs and that booty. I struggled to get through the set. If you kick deeper and keep your butt down, these get harder. 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 sphinx kickers
  6. Knee Drop Lunges– A neverending squat 🙂 SO you start in a wide stance squat position with your hands behind your head looking forward. You want a mat for this one to keep your knees safe. Get down on one knee, then down on the other knee, then back up again. Alternate which side goes first each time. Because you are in a squat the entire time, your quads will feel this. 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 knee drop lunges
  7. Spin Burpee – In case you though you could get through a 22 minute hard corps cardio routine without burpees – you were wrong 🙂 Spin Burpees is basically a regular burpee (no pushup) and when you get up you jump and do a 180. This jumping motion is what gets hard after doing 10 or more burpees, plus the last move, your legs will be on fire so that jump will put you over the top. Fun! 22 minute hard corps cardio 3 spin burpees

22 Minute Hard Corps – Cardio 3 Day #25 Review & Thoughts:  

Well, as you can expect the Cardio #3 is yet another stepup from Cardio #2 in intensity. I loved this workout, the pacing was FASTER, which also made it harder. And I have plenty of room left to grow in terms of moving deeper into the moves, jumping higher, or kicking myself in the butt more.

There is no bonus round in this one again because of the fast pace and the high number of moves for each one.  I was thinking yesterday about other Beachbody programs I have done – like the 21 Day Fix Extreme, which I love – and during those programs most moves are about a 30 seconds long. Doing some squat jumps, you can maybe get 12 – 15 reps in before the 30 seconds is up. So on any of these moves when you start getting up to 20, 30, 40 and even 50+ reps on some moves, you KNOW it’s going to be tough, especially when you try to stay low or really hold your form.

Great workout, and again – the 22 minute thing – #nailedit.


22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 3 Day #25 Meals: 

What I ate today!

  • Breakfast – Vegan Chocolate Shakeology with Unsweetened Almond Milk, Coconut, and PB2
  • Snack – Cucumber Slices with Hummus
  • Lunch – Grilled Chicken Salad with Balsamic Vinegar
  • Snack – Cherry Tomatoes with 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • Dinner – Chicken Sausage & Gnocchi Soup

View my Cardio 1 Review HERE
View my Resistance 1 Review HERE
View my Cardio 2 Review HERE
View my Resistance 2 Review HERE
View my Resistance 3 Review HERE

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