core de force test group

Join our Inaugural Core De Force Challenge Group, Starting on November 14th!

I am really excited to invite YOU to join myself and Team Forever Strong as we launch our very first Core De Force Challenge Group on November 14th!

I have been doing Core De Force for a few days now and if you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you have probably seen some of the delicious meals I have been eating and some of the FUN workouts I have been doing!

I am really excited to COMMIT to this program over the next 30 days and get some amazing results, and you should join us! This program is really great because it:

  • Requires NO weights
  • A modifier makes it accessible to beginners
  • 30 – 40 minutes in length,  right from your own home!
  • Comes with a super simple meal plan and recipe guide
  • You get access to our exclusive Challenge Group with 1:1 Coach Support
  • Access to our Challenge Tracker Mobile Apps to help stay accountable
  • Will give you AMAZING results in 30 days!

I have written a few posts about this program in the past few days, which you can see below:

Ready to join our Core De Force Challenge Group?

Fill out the Application below and I will be in touch!

The link to your Facebook profile, so I can add you to our challenge group!
reCAPTCHA is required.


Have questions or want to reach out?

© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020