All Access Pass Beachbody On Demand

Join Us with the All Access Pass from Beachbody and get those 2017 Results you WANT!

Click Here to order the All Access Challenge Pack!

I don’t know about you guys but I am still like super full from Christmas, haha… If you guys saw the post I made on the day of Christmas, we had like an almost 24 pound rib roast. So, we have tons of that plus there was desserts and chocolate cream pie and all that jazz. You guys know the gist of it, right?

So, Christmas is in the past. We’re full. We’re finally ready to focus on ourselves. How many of you constantly are putting yourself on the back burner? You have kids, you’re busy running them back and forth to school, to different sports with your full-time job, with your part-time job, with your multiple jobs that you guys have. And then there was Christmas and then there was very little time to focus on yourself with your own health and fitness, right? Happens to all of us!

So, now that it’s behind us, now we can start to focus on 2017. We can start to focus on making 2017 your healthiest year ever! And guys I am SUPER excited today because our company, Beachbody, just released this ONE YEAR ALL-ACCESS pass to literally be able to have access to ALL of our workout programs.

All Access Pass Beachbody On DemandThere’s over 200 programs and if you’ve been watching me do Core De Force or you see me do 21 Day Fix and you’ve been watching me now since I’ve been coaching for the past two and a half years, you’ve seen me do a lot of different programs. And before this new launch that just came out today, when a program came out you used to have to buy the program, get the DVD’s before you can have access online.

You’re gonna have for one price. You’re gonna have an entire year to access all of those programs right from your computer or right from your phone. It’s streaming so you can think of it as like your Netflix for fitness programs.

So, any program that you feel like doing, you can just login, you can check it out. If you get started on a health and fitness program and you get hurt or you know something happens, you don’t have to just STOP and QUIT and give up on yourself and think ‘Oh great! Now I need to by another workout program’. You can just login and you can choose another program that’s gonna be more low impact for you to fit your needs. So, there’s a program for everybody – literally over 200 programs.

You will access to every single nutrition program that we have. You’ll have access to our brand new cooking show that was just released by Autumn Calabrese. You’re going to get portion control containers to measure your food and meal plans, tons of recipes and an entire month supply of our favorite super food shake which Nick and I have been drinking every single day now. For the past two and a half years we have it for breakfast on the go, super simple, super easy, keeps us healthy, fills us up until lunch. Our kids have it now in place of their multivitamins. And you’re gonna get all of that for like crazy, ridiculously discounted price.

So, guys I can’t stress it enough. It is the time to focus on you. It’s time to just put all the excuses aside and focus on yourself. And you’re gonna be tied in to me. I will be your personal coach helping you reach your goals for the entire year. I will never give up on you and not only that but you will be plugged into our support and accountability group which will be a private group all run on the challenge tracker which is all on your phone and that is going to be kicking off on January 2nd.

So, guys you can indulge and go crazy, right? Do your thing on New Year’s Eve but January 2nd we are hitting the ground hard, all right? We’re getting hit on those health and fitness goals. We’re starting strong and I will help you choose a program you should start with but I’m telling you right now, you are going to want to incorporate this. It’s like a no-brainer to me. This is a deal that I have never seen since becoming a coach the past two and a half years and it’s only gonna be for a very limited time because we really want to try to just get as many people as possible started on their health and fitness journey at the beginning of the new year so we can kick things off strong and really, really, really get you to where you want to be.

So, if you want to hear more about this, it was just launch today, please send me a message or comment below if you want more information. I can send you the link for it. Join us on January 2nd it’s gonna be a great time and hope you guys have an awesome day and I hope you have an awesome end of 2016. And I hope you’ll be with me to kick off 2017 in an awesome direction. All right, have a good day guys! Bye!

Click Here to order the All Access Challenge Pack!

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