What To Do When You Gain Back the Weight!

So, last week I went LIVE on Facebook in what was probably the scariest live video I have ever done!!

Here’s the deal – the last few months, I have been off track. I was really on track during the Shift Shop test group, but then afterwards the wheels basically came off the wagon! LOL.

We had just moved to Florida, my knee was giving me some troubles, and I was getting really stressed setting into our new house and even more so watching my son start Kindergarten. All this led to way too much pizza & Captain Morgan.

Slay All Day

Now, success in your fitness and health (or anything else!) is really about your habits and the things you do routinely. It’s one thing to have pizza and some drinks, but it got to the point where I was treating every day like I was on a Caribbean cruise!! It started with pizza once a week and a few drinks.

Then it became Friday and Saturday.

Then Friday through Sunday.

Then I started having some ice cream with the kids after school.

Before you know it, I had replaced my healthy habits and portion control with mindless eating!!! WHYYY!

When that happens, the results are … obvious! I started avoiding the scale when I walked into the bathroom, and just pretended like I wouldn’t get that affected by what I was feeding my body with.


One thing also is that Nick and I succeed and fail together – and he put on some weight also. In Vegas, he actually had to poke a freakin’ hole in his belt with my tweezers to make a new hole because he had outgrown the belt! LOL!!

Your current situation does not dictate your future possibilities

Here’s the thing that I love about coaching – I know that even though I have fallen, harder, than ever before as a coach – I also know that I have the tools to get back to where I want to be – I have the nutrition plans, the workout programs, and the support from our #ProgressSeekers accountability group. So I don’t feel depressed, or sad, or angry. (OK – Maybe I was angry for about  day 🙂 )

The point is though is that I’m making changes and growing and improving. I went LIVE to share that struggle with the world, because I KNOW I am not alone!!

That is hard for me to do – I am a people-pleaser by nature so showing where I had really fallen to was … tough!! I stood there in my sports bra and showed the truth of what happened, how it happened, but most importantly, WHAT I am going to DO about it!!

If you are in a place where you don’t want to be – know this: It’s OK!! 

You can turn it around. You can make your future different than your current situation. 

If you are interested in joining my completely private support and accountability group, just drop your info below and let’s talk! I love helping people reach their goals.

And if you want to follow my journey as I return to where I want to be – follow me on Instagram. I get real and raw in my stories about how I am doing this as a crazy busy mom of 2 who just moved and doesn’t even have living room furniture yet.

You got this!


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© KATHI REUTER, INC. 2014 - 2020