22 Minute Hard Corps Resistance 3 Review

22 Minute Hard Corps – Day #22 – Resistance 3 Review

22 Minute Hard Corps – Resistance 3 Overview

  • Trainer: Tony Horton
  • Resistance 3 Duration: 22 minutes! There is a COLD START which adds on ~10 minutes if you need to warm up first. If you do everything, we are talking about 32 minutes.
  • Resistance 3 Goals: This is a weight training routine. It consists of 5 moves set to a cadence.
  • Resistance 3 Required Equipment: A mat is nice but not required. PT Sandbag or light / medium dumbbells.

22 Minute Hard Corps – Resistance 3 Moves

Some notes -Tony delivers this in 22 minutes. It’s three rounds of five moves, with varying repetitions (reps). Some go up and some go down, just like Resistance 1 and Cardio 1, and Cardio 2. No bonus round!

This workout takes place on the deck of an boat it looks like.

This workout starts with four warm-up moves, just like Resistance 2. 10 reps each of running in place (high knees!), jumping jacks, and TH Squats, and 20 reps of Egoscue stretches.

  1. Pump Jumpers -These are plyometric pushups. You alternate on each pushup in midair. You start with wide hands and narrow feet; then after the pushup you switch to narrow hands and wide feet. 22 minute hard corps resistance 3 pump jumpers
  2. Split Lunge Thrust – Plyometric alternating jump lunges WITH a shoulder press on each move! 22 minute hard corps resistance 3 split lunge thrust
  3. Arm Balance Row –  Plank position with weights. On each rep, you left up your arm and row it vertically, looking up at the weight at the top. Then switch to the other side. 22 minute hard corps resistance 3 arm balance row
  4. Mountain Squats – This is the move I was like, haha what is this at first, and it ended up being the hardest move of the entire routine. I used the PT Sandbag but you can also use a dumbbell. Start by standing up with the sandbag on your right shoulder. You basically lay down on the ground, then get back up again. Some poeple make this harder by getting up with NO HANDS, but I used my opposite hand to help get up, and it was still very difficult by the end of the reps. You do one side first; then put the weight on the other shoulder and keep going. 22 minute hard corps resistance 3 mountain squats
  5. Scissor Clapper – The Ab move of this routine! Sit & engage the core, keeping both feet off the ground, and clap in between each move. The clap ensures that you are moving your legs apart enough. 22 minute hard corps resistance 3 scissor clappers

22 Minute Hard Corps – Resistance 3 Day #8 Review & Thoughts:  

This is the third and hardest of the three Cardio Routines that are included with 22 Minute Hard Corps; and it was tough! Just like before; the pacing was very quick. The hardest move for me was the Mountain Squats. The first round isn’t too bad, but by the third round the reps are up there and it gets really tough.

No pull-ups in this particular routine, but the last half of the program mixes in Resistance 1, 2 and 3 so it’s not like you are going to go any length of time without doing them.


22 Minute Hard Corps Day #8 Meals: 

Recipes for today came from our Free Clean Eating Group – you can get the recipes by downloading my free e-book!

  • Breakfast – Vegan Chocolate Shakeology with Unsweetened Almond Milk, Chocolate PB2 and Coffee
  • Snack -Almonds
  • Lunch – Quinoa Power Bowl
  • Afternoon Snack – fruit
  • Dinner – Chicken Stuffed peppers

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