core de force, before and after, mma progress photo

My Core De Force 30 Day Results with Pictures!

WOW, I made it! 30 Days of punching, kicking, jumping, and planking, and Core De Force Round #1 is DONE and checked off!! My overall thoughts on Core De Force are – this program is AWESOME and I absolutely LOVED it! The MMA style workout made it so I never got bored. I did miss a SINGLE workout – an Active Recovery day – but I spent that day working around the yard so I think I made up for it, and I still got excellent results!

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Core De Force Weight and Inches Lost

All in all, I lost a total of 14.2 pounds and 8.3 inches! That definitely exceeded my expectations. I also dropped 2 full pant sizes!!

And, I am very proud of myself because I did this all during the holiday season, which is usually the worst time of year for me to focus on health and fitness goals! But, I am determined to end 2016 better than when I started and go into 2017 with momentum instead of trying to “get started” on January 1st!

Coming into this program, my husband I were just not eating well. At all. This was a tough year – we lost both our dogs in a six-week period over the summer, we put our house up for sale, and lots of other “life” stuff got in the way. I can definitely eat emotionally, and that is what started happening. Snacks, pizza multiple times per week, and just not watching my diet at all. So when I decided to commit to Core De Force, I was definitely ready for a healthy change to help myself just feel better again. When I got on the scale for my “before” measurements and photos, I honestly thought the scale must be broken. LOL!

Recap of the Workouts and Meal Plan

If you missed it, I have been documenting each workout routine in detail and I also shared all four weeks of meals, including how I prepped for it, my recipes, and grocery lists!

Core De Force Workout Reviews!

Core De Force Meal Plans, Grocery List and Prep Tips!

Core De Force Meal Plan Review

Maple BBQ Chicken Pita Pizza from the Core De Force Eating Plan
The food in the Core De Force meal plan was delicious!

The Core De Force diet / meal plan was very similar to the 21 Day Fix (container counts and brackets were the same) portion fix; with the changes that in Week #2 you get to add in a Fruit (more sugar = more energy!) and in Week #3 you get to also add in another healthy fat (i.e. hummus or avocado), and then in the final week #4 it goes back down to the regular plan.

The recipes included in the Core De Force booklet were also great! You will see this in the weekly grocery list posts above, but we had the BBQ Chicken Pizza every Friday. We also made the cheddar stuffed burgers, the spaghetti squash with turkey meat sauce, and the flank steak salad. All of these were easy to make (the longest one was probably the salad, which took about 20 minutes or so including cooking the steak).

The nice thing about these recipes is it kept the program from getting boring. In previous routines I have found it easier to just eat the same thing every day (like chicken, rice, and a vegetable), but these meals were good and I often had leftovers for the next day.

Also, usually I stink at meal planning, but by making a concious effort to meal plan for Core De Force, we also saved almost $300 in groceries for our family of four in November compared to our average grocery bill – and threw out almost NOTHING (usually we always have fruits and veggies getting tossed that we didn’t eat).

While the meal plan doesn’t allow for alcohol, I did have a total of four drinks – two on my husband Nick’s birthday, and then two on Thanksgiving! So, I wasn’t 100% perfect, but pretty close. I’m OK with that! It’s about progress, and I made major progress, so I am really happy!

Core De Force Review / Other Thoughts

The beginning of this program was a little bit of a tease from a time perspective. The first workouts (MMA Speed) are only about 30 minutes. As the weeks go on the routines get more difficult and they also get longer. The last week of Core De Force in particular was very challenging because not only does your food consumption drop; but it consists entirely of 37 to 47 minute workouts followed by a 5 – 15 minute core routines! Some days were pushing an hour!

For the past two and a half years, I have been pretty much ecxlusively sticking with workout routines that were 30 to maybe 40 minutes in length, so I was really concerned about going up to a full hour. But luckily, this time commitment is only really heavy in the last week of the program, and surprisingly I found myself doing it no problem. The kids often joined in but I just made it happen. Goes to show you that most of the limnitations you put on yourself are in your head. If I can run a business, take care of 2 kids under 4, and still fit in an hour workout … haha, it’s all about priorities!

The other thing is by week #3 I was starting to get really tired in my quads from all the jumping and squatting. The active recovery day helps, but for my next round I think I will mix in Beachbody Performance recover / recharge to help get my legs back on track. By the last week my quads were already feeling sore during the warm up, hahaha.

Overall, I got MUCH stronger. I remember the first day I did Dynamic Strength, I struggled through every single pushup. By the time I finished the 30 days, I was doing WAY more pushups. The Sphinx Blasters are still going to require some work though, those are tough!!

Male Results from Core De Force

30 day results for a man core de force workout mma programI’ve had some people ask me if this program is good for men. Well, my husband did this with me from front to back and he got great results!! He lost nearly sixteen pounds (from 195.6 to 183.5) with Core De Force and nearly 10 inches! He also went from a 34 to a 32 waist size. His goal is to drop down to the upper 170’s again, so another round of Core De Force should do it. Check out his photo!

He also said he really liked this program. It’s amazing how much more intense you can make the workouts as your progress in your skills. You can move faster and kick and punch harder. You can squat lower. You can do more pushups. SO even as you get stronger throughout the 30 days, the program never really gets “easier”, it scales with you, which means the results keep showing up!

What to do After Core De Force

I’m going into Round #2 starting on December 5th! This time, I bought the additional “deluxe kit” DVD’s, which adds in two additional workouts to keep the variety up, including some work with a speed ladder and a booty-focused routine.

I’m really excited to keep pushing for my “60” day results. I took off a total of five days in between rounds and my legs are ready to go. I had a few cheats, a small pizza, and now I’m going to commit again! I’m not at my goal yet but I should be betting pretty close by the time we move into 2017! Stay tuned for more results!

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